Chelsea Strategies

Accelerating Partnerships | Launching Products | Developing People

Strategic Consulting Services and Solutions

to Fit Your Unique Business Needs

Working with Chelsea Strategies gets you decades of experience in the AdTech Industry, Go-To-Market Strategies, and Talent Development, giving you high-level expertise from day one to accelerate your partnerships, growth, and progress. We also know that a new strategy is just the beginning. To continue to support your AdTech efforts, we offer unparalleled services to guide you and your business develop the skills in change management needed to succeed. Our customized career development and mentorship offerings provide the tools you need to continue to thrive long into the future. We also offer unparalleled services in change management, career development and mentorship, and overall project and company growth, customized to where your company is now and where you want to go.

Let Our Team Help You!


Accelerate Your AdTech Partnerships


Our experience, large network, and knowledge of current trends and patterns can super-charge your partnerships to set you up for long-term success in the ever-changing world of AdTech. We can help if you need to:

  • Scale your AdTech effort for long-term growth
  • Guide you through your progression as your business grows and changes
  • Break into the critical US market and expand globally
  • Better understand trends in AdTech and what they mean for your business

No matter where you are in your company's AdTech journey, we have the expertise to guide you to greater success.




You know exactly where you want to go, but having just the right roadmap to get there? That’s another story. Do you need to:

  • Benchmark against competitors to find your perfect differentiator?
  • Plan a go-to-market strategy for your game-changing product?
  • Find a way over a hurdle that’s blocking your progress?
  • Infuse your business with a growth mindset and skillfully manage change?

Our team can help you tap into the techniques and best practices you need in times of transition and transformation. With Privacy changes and AI, the industry landscape is facing fundamental shifts that present both challenges and opportunities. We can help you and your team navigate these changes, capitalizing on opportunities. Our experience is wide-reaching, including market research, strategic planning, understanding the competitive landscape, and more. We’ll make that next step look like a hop instead of a leap.

Invest in Yourself and Your

People for Unparalleled Success


Whether you are personally looking for ways to grow and guide your career or looking to find ways for your team to level up, Chelsea Strategies has a long track record and an array of options for immediate and long-term results. Offerings include:

  • Coaching for those stepping into new roles or planning their next step, such as a promotion or role pivot
  • Teaching you how to approach every task with a growth mindset
  • Tools, support, and encouragement for those hunting for their next opportunity
  • Workshops and knowledge building for the future of work, including topics such as AI, machine learning, talent management, the cookie-less future, and more
Our decades of experience learning and mentoring, and our genuine love of helping guide others where they want to go make us uniquely qualified to help you and your team take your skills to the next level.

Get Ahead of the AI and
Machine Learning Curve

While machine learning and other forms of AI have been used in AdTech for over 20 years, many organizations are just beginning to consider how AI will impact their company or industry. Chelsea Strategies offers workshops and services to guide and prepare your organization for the new future of business - one that embraces AI and Machine Learning regardless of your industry. Do you need:

  • An introduction to how AI and ML are use in AdTech?
  • An understanding of how these technologies might change your industry?
  • A way to give a large number of employees an introductory or more advanced education?

Chelsea Strategies can work with you in person or virtually, help you determine what level of training is appropriate, and offer the materials and guidance your business needs.

Meeting our clients' needs is our first and only priority. Ultimately, we only feel successful when our clients are happy throughout the entire process.

– Client 1, Managing Partner